Okay Google, find me somebody to love
parte della rassegna "Humanizing technology", Circolo Del Design, Torino
Ok Google, find me somebody to love is the exhibition that narrates a generation that lives, meets and loves through technology. The designers of the exhibition are the participants of the Young Board 2021, a group of ten students and young professionals under the age of 26 selected through a call supported by the City of Turin. The exhibition is part of the 2021 Humanizing Technology activity schedule developed by the team of Circolo del Design.
In particular, the co-design work saw the multidisciplinary team of Circolo del Design support the Young Board in planning, organizing and cultural promotion activities, through a path of accompaniment and development of skills that have resulted in the project itself.
Specifically, the project aims to give voice to the expressions of the youngest, to their richness of meanings and plurality of codes to listen to, observe and interpret, forming the team on the themes of design and cultural planning, enriching their skills, stimulating exchange synergistic between different backgrounds and professions and - last but not least - enriching the cultural offer produced by the Circolo del Design, favoring the creation of contents in harmony with younger audiences.
Circolo del Design's Young Board 2021 team: Laura Mazzarino, Nicholas Sabena, Chiara Finelli, Giovanni Corgiat Mecio, Giorgio Bena, Lisa Brero, Jessica Prieto, Luisa Zhou, Giorgia Cino, Artemisia Troni