Nitaj is the residency project promoted by Isola Design and Sama Design.
A month of residency in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in which we had the opportunity to discover the culture of local craftsmanship and design, immersing ourselves in the artistic scene, getting to know the people and the dynamics of the production system of the art and design market in a rapidly expanding context.
It was a moment of growth and discovery, together with designers and artists Chiara Caselli and Francesco Carasso (ccontinua+mamt), Luigi Pensa, Sana² Alabdulwahed and Fatima AlDoukhi.
We worked to create lighting products that represented the meeting between our individual language and this tradition, pushing us out of our comfort zone and experimenting with new ways of expressing ourselves.
It's difficult to summarize in a few photos the complexity and depth of the experience that Nitaj was for me.
Far from home and from the safety nets to which I am used to, I have seen, read, discovered, savored, learned and unlearned.